Municipal Court

Payment & Payment Methods

Full payments paid to close a case in lieu of appearing on the court date will result in a conviction of the offense. The Municipal Court is obligated by law to report all convictions to the Department of Public Safety.

Payment options are in person, online, by mail, or by phone at 1-833-510-6556. A credit card processing fee of 2% of the total and a technology fee of $1.50 are applied to online and/or phone payments. You may avoid the fees by paying with cash, money order, cashier’s check, or a personal check.


Mandatory Court Appearance Before the Judge

  • Juveniles (under 17 years of age) must appear on their court date before the Judge with a Parent or Legal Guardian.
  • Minors (under 21 years of age) with tobacco or alcohol-related offenses must appear on their court date before the Judge.
  • Defendants issued for No Driver’s License together with Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (no insurance).


Municipal Court Hearings

Municipal Court hearings are open to the public. The Judge and the Prosecutor are present only during a scheduled docket. Municipal court hearings only are in person. You may resolve your citation before your scheduled court date in lieu of attending by appearing during regular business hours.

Scheduled Court Dockets are every Thursday 9am to 12pm except for the 5th Thursday of a month. You must attend your scheduled court date due to walk-ins not permitted.

If you are contesting and pleading Not Guilty you must have a conference with the Prosecutor. Our Prosecutor is present twice a month. You may appear before the court date reflected on your citation to schedule in advance a conference with the Prosecutor.


Information for Attorneys only

If you are representing a client in a case, you will need to submit a letter of representation to the court. This can be done by email, fax or mail. Cases will then be reset to a Prosecutor Conference which will require your appearance if a resolution is not made before the scheduled conference.


Tiffany Arizola Court Administrator (210) 684-1391 ext. 215
Sonia Corona Senior Court Clerk (210) 684-1391 ext. 7001
Ayde Lopez Deputy Court Clerk (210) 684-1391 ext. 7001
Neomi Lopez Deputy Court Clerk (210) 684-1391 ext. 7001