Water and Sewer
Water & Wastewater Capital Improvements Plan
Water System
The supply and distribution of water for the over 2500 customers in Leon Valley is a function of the Public Works Department. The Enterprise Fund account is the financial operations vehicle through which the personnel, equipment, and materials are funded. Four utility personnel exist to provide the needed maintenance. The staff maintains required State operating licenses. In addition to maintenance and operations services for water and sewer, this crew also provides a stand-by emergency service for off hours. These services can be accessed after hours by calling the police dispatch service at (210) 684-3215.
Water supply for the City is provided from two Edwards Formation water wells each capable of pumping 1100 gallons of water per minute. Chlorination is accomplished at each well site and monitored each day. Reports are filed with TCEQ as required.
The EPA required annual report on the chemical and bacteriological quality of the City's drinking water is prepared and sent to each customer in June of each year. Leon Valley does not add fluoride to the drinking water.
Annually, the three elevated water storage tanks and one ground storage tank owned by the city are inspected as required by TCEQ. In turn, the entire system operations are visited each year by an inspector from the TCEQ to review the status of the system.
Sanitary Sewage System
The City of Leon Valley owns and maintains 37 miles of sanitary sewer mains and customer sewer laterals. Maintenance consists of televising and cleaning these mains throughout the year. Areas with known probability of stoppages are identified and given close attention. A program of rehabilitation has been established to systematically repair or replace mains in areas of concern.
If your plumbing has backed up, please call 681-1232 to report the problem, or log on to the website at www.leonvalleytexas.gov and enter a service request. Once we are notified, a crew will be quickly dispatched, and we will ensure the sewer main in your street or alley is cleared of debris and flowing properly. If the problem still exists, and you have a properly installed cleanout, the Public Works Department may be able to video your sewer line to help identify the location of the blockage. Please note:
- The customer is responsible for any repairs to the 3” or 4” line, running from the home or business to the City’s sewer main, including the connection point.
- The City is responsible for maintenance and repairs of the sanitary sewer main to ensure that proper flow is maintained.
*The water and sewer service application and deposit may not be submitted or paid through our website or otherwise online. Applicants must appear in person at Leon Valley City Hall and provide a copy of the responsible party’s valid driver’s license, then pay the deposit. Leon Valley accepts cash, checks, money orders, or credit/debit cards. Thank you!