Seneca West Frequently Asked Questions


On Saturday, July 27, 2024, residents attended a coffee with the Mayor and City Council and requested  that I put together a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet.

Properties Being Referenced (except darker blue Cordova property in Part 3):

When was Part 1 Planned Development District (PDD) approved?

This was approved by City Council with a 4 to 1 vote on May 21, 2024.

What variances were approved for Part 1?

The developer requested a reduced lot width from 45’ to 40’ – they will be keeping the lot area at 4,500 square  feet as per the R-6 Garden  Home regulations. The applicant also  requested  that any future deviations to the plan are allowed to be “staff” approved,  if the proposed deviation(s)  do not exceed 10 percent of the approved plan. The requests were approved.

The applicant also requested  a variance to Chapter 13 Tree Preservation to reduce the $112,000 tree mitigation fee to $50,000. This request was denied. He will be paying the fee and will be planting the required two trees per lot (332 trees).

How many homes are projected for Part 1?

An estimated 166 homes are projected for Part 1. However, he has submitted an amendment to add 9 more homes making this number 175. This is currently in review to see if this is less then a 10% plan change.

More information on Part 1 can be found here:

Leon Valley Meeting Minutes in the Council Meeting Packet  pages 33 -78. 

When did the city sell the property Part 2 to One Stop Group,  Samir Chehade?

The city has not sold Part 2. The city has entered into a contract with Mr. Chehade, and one of the

conditions of the contract is approval of a PDD zone change. If the council does not approve the

zone change, then the sale of the property will not move forward with Mr. Chehade’s group. The

contract may be accessed via the below link:

Leon Valley, TX Records Requests - Request Details (

The city entered into the contract on May 21, 2024.

What is the sale price of the city-owned property Part 2?

The offer from One Stop Group is $2,000,000.

If the PDD has already been approved, what zoning request is going to City Council?

The only PDD that has been approved is Part 1. One Stop Group, represented by Samir Chehade, is requesting a PDD for Parts 2 and 3.

How many homes are projected for Part 2 and 3?

An estimated 205 homes are being projected for Parts 2 and 3.

Are all the lots going to be small?

The base zoning is R6 Garden Home, which requires a minimum lot width of 45’ and a minimum lot area of 4,500 square foot; however, the requested  zone change is for a Planned  Development District (PDD), which allows for variations  in lot sizes. The plan for Parts 2 and 3 calls for:

  • 144 lots with a 30’ street frontage (shown in yellow in the above plan)
    •  The lot area would range from 3,375 square feet to 3,435 square feet
    •  Lots would be situated on the unplatted parcel behind Samaritan and Aids Drive
  • 44 lots would have a 40’ width (shown in orange in the plan)
    • The lot area would range from 4,840 square feet to 5,000 square feet, with a few exceptions
    • Lots would border Samaritan Drive
  • 15 lots will have a 60’ width (shown in blue in the plan)
    • The lot area would be 6,750 square feet
    • Lots would be east of the drainage channel on Grass Hill Estates Lot 1, bordering William Rancher and Aids Drive

Are there variances for this project, Parts 2 and 3?

Yes, the developer is requesting  the following:


Number c.3 Minimum Side yard Setback should have referred to c.4 Zero lot line homes  – if zero lot line, then the space between the lot line and the wall of the home on the adjacent lot will be no less than 5 feet. An example of this would be the homes along Britania Court Drive in the neighborhood.

He is also requesting a variance  to the street width requirement:

Tree Variance

  • Lots will have the required percentage of overall landscaping 

  • Applicant intends to clear the properties and then mitigate by the planting of 2-1.5” diameter trees per lot (410 trees) 

  • Applicant would also be required to pay fees in lieu of planting trees – they are requesting the fees be waived. 

  • They will be constructing bike lanes, a hiking trail, and dedicating parkland.

What is the total number of homes for the entire project, including Parts 1, 2, and 3?

There are a projected 380- 389 homes for the approved and proposed PDD’s.

Will the developer have to make any public improvements?

There is an ESTIMATED $3,913,400 in improvements that need to be made to the existing surrounding streets. The developer will be responsible for paying an ESTIMATED $2,678,520. This is based  on the  rough proportionality  number  given by the city engineer In addition  to thesimprovements, thdeveloper will be responsible for the construction of a new Samaritan Drive, relocating the water and sewer mains  along Aids Drive and Samaritan Drive, and extending the water and sewer mains to his developments, as well as the construction of streets,  sidewalks, curbs, fire hydrants,  water valves, and sewer manholes inside the new development. They will also be paying water and sewer impact fees for the purchase of new water supplies. The developer is also proposing  bikes lanes, trails, and parkland that will be dedicated to the city.

What is rough proportionality?

As a condition  of approval for a property development project, the city requires developers to bear a portion of the costs of municipal infrastructure improvements (streets) by the making of dedications, the payment of fees, or the payment of construction costs.

What are the next steps?

The City Council has already approved the PDD for Part 1 and the developer will have two years to get the project started. If requested, he may be granted a two-year extension. Parts 2 and 3 were heard by the Zoning Commission on July 23, 2024, and they recommended denial of the request.  The City Council will hold a public hearing with no vote on August 6, 2024. The second reading of the request and possibly a vote will be scheduled for August 20, 2024.