Betty Heyl

Betty Heyl
Place 2
Term End Date: 
Sunday, May 31, 2026
Phone Number: 
(210) 461-7187

Betty Heyl

Leon Valley Council Place 2


I have been a resident of Leon Valley for 45 years.  I have served on Citizens Police Advisory Committee (CPAC) as a committee member and on the Board of Adjustment (BOA) as Vice Chair.

I am married and have two daughters who both graduated from Marshall High School and graduated from Texas A&M and did post grad at UTMB.  I also have a granddaughter who is a sophmore at Texas A&M.

I am an animal advocate and have 2 dogs and feral cats. I enjoy gardening, walking, talking with my neighbors and collecting antiques.

I am certified by the ARRT and CNMT, two national certification boards and am licensed by the state of Texas to inject radioisotopes used in my work.

I worked at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSCA) for 35 years-10 years in Cardiology Research and then 25 years at the Research Imaging Center (RIC). I was recruited to set up the Positron Emission Laboratory (PET) at the RIC.  The PET scanner was the first one in San Antonio. All the studies were research and were performed under FDA protocols and INDs since none of the radioistopes we were using had been approved.  At the UTHSCSA I was an integral part of the operation the PET (Positron Emmision Tomography scanner) to study  various diseases of the brain including brain mapping, Parkinsons, Alzheimers and multiple other studies including cancer staging.  Because of all the work, I am proud to be part of multiple published research papers to advance the field of PET.

With my work experience, I further developed my skills of solid problem solving and often had to develop new techniques to manage the research.  I was responsible for ensuring all research was performed following the protocols and reported results to FDA and Institutional Review Board (IRB) annually. Because of my position, I worked with researchers/investigators across the globe and has the innate ability to objectively to listen to all views and make decisions based on facts.

 I am looking forward to using my problem-solving skills, use my ability to listen to all individuals and make decisions based on facts to support the community of Leon Valley.

I value the “smaller” community of Leon Valley within the proximity of the city of San Antonio.   I am excited to be a member of the Leon  Valley City Council to assist with continuing to develop Leon Valley to be a community for all residents today and for future generations.

 I would like to see new businesses move into LV, especially restaurants.

I also support the Mayor’s work on the homeless in the city. I also have concerns about our stray animal problem.  My neighbor’s have expressed concerns about police presence on our streets and garbage recycling.